President's Message

PresidentKatsuhiro Kakimoto

Thank you for visiting our website.

We started our business as Nihon Vinylon Co., Ltd. in December 1961, with an aim to produce vinylon filament, synthetic fiber, developed using only Japanese technology and reorganized ourselves as present-day Nitivy Co., Ltd. in August 1970. We now mainly manufacture and sell Solvron, water-soluble yarn and NITIVY ALF, continuous alumina fiber (alumina filament).

Ever since our incorporation, we have provided creative and high-quality functional fibers globally, by utilizing our original technologies, such as spinning and processing technologies, related know-hows, based on our unique dry spinning method. These products, used in a wide variety of industrial fields such as apparel, steel semiconductor manufacturing, automobile, aero plane, play significant roles in adding value to our customers’ products or innovating our customers’ manufacturing processes.

With the vison of providing creative and high-quality products to our customers, we will continue to pursue innovative new materials and technologies based on the traditions and unique technologies inherited from our predecessors and strive to become an indispensable company to contribute to the development of society by providing excellent products and services.

Thank you again for your continuous support and understanding.